Author: W B

Discussing the European Soul 

Discussing the European Soul 

A Soul for Europe conference 2015 – Day1 The Conference started today in Berlin with a special pre-conference with a focus on the current #refugees challenge in European cities. Since over 10 years, this conference is a meeting point for initiatives working together FOR Europe while understanding that culture is a driving factor in the…

    A quote from Goethe ?

    A quote from Goethe ?

    The incredible amount of hoaxes, half-truths and lies circulating around the Internet, being shared and re-shared is sometimes hard to bear. Who takes the time and the diligence to really check a source or questions the origin of anything popping up in the newsfeed or inbox? Having grown up in a time, when scientific work…

      I was there (when the wall came down)

      I was there (when the wall came down)

      In a few days, Germany and most of the world will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall. For me this is the right time to dig into some old photo albums and remember the days in November 1989. I was there. Right at that time, when history was written. The 9th…

        Happy Birthday, www !

        Happy Birthday, www !

        Did you know, that the World Wide Web turns 25 these days? Yes, there has been a time before the internet and people my age do remember. For a quick and interesting overview of the history of the net, read this article, published on a blog of a new website service company – both terms,…

          the potential of creative economy

          the potential of creative economy

          Just stumbled upon this “web-report” about “the potential of the creative economy” from the Forum d´Avignon, reviewing various recent reports and summaries on the status of the creative industries around the world, including the very interesting UNESCO Creative Economy Report 2013. It is said too much that culture is expensive by forgetting that it does…

            How private is my online identity?

            How private is my online identity?

            Wondering today, how much (more) I should present myself publicly online. This is not an easy question for a self-employed professional, who is dependent on networking connections and online showcasing. On the one hand, there are the privacy advocated, who rightfully criticize the fact, that every digital move leaves traces, which are picked up by…

              cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

              cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

              With the goal of discovering different ways of cultural funding in Europe, the Berliner Festspiele started a talk series (four Mondays), called “It needn´t be this way! (Es geht auch anders!)“, focusing on the changes of cultural funding structures and on how “…political processes, institutions and artists as well as production processes (are) organised…” in…

                The 3 most important tips for somebody new to social media

                The 3 most important tips for somebody new to social media

                A few days ago, I received a message from Klout, asking me: “What are the 3 most imporant pieces of advice, you can give to somebody new to social media?” The social media influence measuring service is sending me regularly questions. I can increase my “influence score”, when I answer them and consequently feel more…

                  From cultural diversity to cultural pluralism

                  From cultural diversity to cultural pluralism

                  It became a habit of mine, to regularly re-read the “Declaration of Cultural Diversity” every couple of month. While we all know, that politicians sometimes use a very vague language and that the UN – which is based on compromise – in particular has had the tendency to water down firm statements, the declaration is…

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