Tag: history

The New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus

A project of hope, change and economic transformation “This is what the New European Bauhaus is all about. It is about hope. It is about inspiration. It is about new perspectives. And it’s about concrete actions against climate change.” (Ursula von der Leyen) The #NewEuropeanBauhaus is off to a good start. After the introduction in…

    November 9th – On this day …

    November 9th – On this day …

    Thoughts on November 9th … It is now 31 years after the #FalloftheWall – and I will never forget my own story, as I was there, when the wall came down. So much hope & joy were shared on that day in Berlin and around the world. The spontaneous city-wide party went on for days…

      I was there (when the wall came down)

      I was there (when the wall came down)

      In a few days, Germany and most of the world will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall. For me this is the right time to dig into some old photo albums and remember the days in November 1989. I was there. Right at that time, when history was written. The 9th…

        Happy Birthday, www !

        Happy Birthday, www !

        Did you know, that the World Wide Web turns 25 these days? Yes, there has been a time before the internet and people my age do remember. For a quick and interesting overview of the history of the net, read this article, published on a blog of a new website service company – both terms,…

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