Tag: cultural policy

The New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus

A project of hope, change and economic transformation “This is what the New European Bauhaus is all about. It is about hope. It is about inspiration. It is about new perspectives. And it’s about concrete actions against climate change.” (Ursula von der Leyen) The #NewEuropeanBauhaus is off to a good start. After the introduction in…

    cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

    cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

    With the goal of discovering different ways of cultural funding in Europe, the Berliner Festspiele started a talk series (four Mondays), called “It needn´t be this way! (Es geht auch anders!)“, focusing on the changes of cultural funding structures and on how “…political processes, institutions and artists as well as production processes (are) organised…” in…

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