Category: Media, News & Press

Media, News & Press

Mastodon – Migration: How to change your instance / server (and why)

Mastodon – Migration: How to change your instance / server (and why)

Actually, it does matter: the choice of your “home instance”. Supposedly, you can “chose ANY server” to start with #Mastodon and enter the #fediverse – and (they say) you don´t have to worry about it. Well, it turns out, this is not completely true…   But before I dig a little deeper into the “why?”…

    the loss of my global townsquare

    the loss of my global townsquare

    from twitter to mastodon? … well, how does this feel like? “This is the beginning of the end for twitter!” say many and leave – either completely or with a packed bag, while simultaneously opening accounts on Mastodon, or even starting alternative ideas. And yes, this is what it feels like – the declining…

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