Tag: theatre

Florence Kasumba – online presence

Florence Kasumba – online presence

After a last meeting yesterday, the conceptual project to develop an online presence for the German actress Florence Kasumba is nearly finished. Tomorrow her website www.florencekasumba.com will be online. This has been a cooperation with the web design studio Pixel & Mehr, which worked very well. Already online is the new Vimeo page of Florence, which in cooperation with…

    cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

    cultural policy discussions: cultural funding in Europe

    With the goal of discovering different ways of cultural funding in Europe, the Berliner Festspiele started a talk series (four Mondays), called “It needn´t be this way! (Es geht auch anders!)“, focusing on the changes of cultural funding structures and on how “…political processes, institutions and artists as well as production processes (are) organised…” in…

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