Category: Blog @en

WB.´s culture & media notes

work in progress

work in progress

Hi there… This Website is currently a work in progress “If you have been here before, you may notice things shifting. We are working on our website. In fact, we may be working at this very moment, just as you are reading these very words. Things of value take time to grow, and their living…

    Social Media Exhaustion

    Last December an odd feeling began flowing through my veins; a sense of general unease occupied my mind and I could not shake it off. It was not the usual pre-Christmas blues, but rather a deep rooted nausea. First it seemed like a minor fatigue – a headache, which can not really be localised, but…



        “I feel like a European…” (Heinrich Böll) Yes, me too!

        International Women´s Day is a new holiday in Berlin

        International Women´s Day is a new holiday in Berlin

         So, we have a new “official public holiday” in Berlin. The 8th of March – #IWD2019. A few months ago, the Senate of Berlin chose to use “International Women´s Day / IWD” for the one new holiday, it was planning to introduce, in order to have a similar amount of free days like other German…



          The #digitization of society is not something new anymore. We are already in midst of its development. For quite some time, it is not anymore the question if we ar entering the “digital age” as information society, but how. Observing the modern life around as well as analysing my own work flow leads me to the…

            #rp17 -roaming around re:publica

            #rp17 -roaming around re:publica

            Roaming around in the halls of re:publica / Media Convention Berlin, I wonder how much lines of text are filled with words of banalities, when only occasionally, interesting insights show up in the steady stream of tweets, posts and messages. Not that I criticize in any kind of way the possibility to freely express our thoughts…

              resistance reading list

              resistance reading list

              No, this performance of #LoserDrumpf in front of Congress has not been “presidential”. It was just a distraction and a “better performance than before”. That´s all! They start performing according to show business expectations – and that makes them even more dangerous… This administration will not change its nationalistic backwards agenda. Be aware and stay…

                Editor´s Note…

                Editor´s Note…

                Dear readers, since the creation of this website / blog has already over 2 years have passed. It has turned out that the separation into 2 parallel pages German / English is not particularly practical. We have therefore begun an overhaul that will improve this Internet presence hopefully soon. Until then (and if you understand…

                  Florence Kasumba – online presence

                  Florence Kasumba – online presence

                  After a last meeting yesterday, the conceptual project to develop an online presence for the German actress Florence Kasumba is nearly finished. Tomorrow her website will be online. This has been a cooperation with the web design studio Pixel & Mehr, which worked very well. Already online is the new Vimeo page of Florence, which in cooperation with…

                    The „Soul of Europe“

                    The „Soul of Europe“

                    The „Soul of Europe“ includes solidarity, respect and tolerance   Started by a strong speech by European Parliament President Martin Schulz, the 2nd day of the conference about “Europe, its values, its citizens” continued to be an interesting collection of many initiatives, ideas and specific examples of citizen participation. Now, with the current refugees challenge,…

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