Category: Communications & Marketing

Communications & Marketing

Stay in touch with video-group-calls

Stay in touch with video-group-calls

A brief overview of Apps in crisis-times like Corona In these extreme times many of us are forced to stay home and (re-) discover digital tools and ways of living and working from the confiment of our own 4 walls. One way to stay in touch with relatives are video-calls. Many of us are at…



    The digital transformation of society is nothing new anymore. We are already in the midst of its development. It is not anymore the question IF we are entering the “digital age” as a (former) “information society”, but HOW.  Observing modern life all around me makes me realize certain particularities and patterns, while at the same…

      Social Media Exhaustion

      Last December an odd feeling began flowing through my veins; a sense of general unease occupied my mind and I could not shake it off. It was not the usual pre-Christmas blues, but rather a deep rooted nausea. First it seemed like a minor fatigue – a headache, which can not really be localised, but…

        The 3 most important tips for somebody new to social media

        The 3 most important tips for somebody new to social media

        A few days ago, I received a message from Klout, asking me: “What are the 3 most imporant pieces of advice, you can give to somebody new to social media?” The social media influence measuring service is sending me regularly questions. I can increase my “influence score”, when I answer them and consequently feel more…

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